'ND Stampede' is a hard red spring wheat variety adapted to the Northern Plains of the USA and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2024. It has similar yield to 'Faller' but improved straw strength and superior end use quality.
'ND Thresher' is a hard red spring wheat variety released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2023. Resulting from a cross of Faller/Bolles, the variety is a shorter statured, high yielding wheat best adapted to Eastern and Central North Dakota.
'ND Allison' is a hard red winter wheat variety released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2023. It is similar to Jerry but higher yielding.
'ND Heron' is a hard red spring wheat variety developed by North Dakota State University and was released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2022.
'ND Noreen' is a wheat variety with higher yield potential and similar winter-hardiness, height, maturity, and quality to Jerry. ND Noreen has better stem rust resistance than Jerry and comparable leaf rust resistance.
'ND Frohberg' is a wheat variety with good yield potential, strong end-use quality, and very good disease resistance. It is medium-tall, similar to Barlow with straw strength most similar to Glenn. ND Frohberg carries the leaf rust gene Lr34 and has shown moderate resistance in adult plants. It has also shown high levels of resistance to bacterial leaf streak.
'ND VitPro' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2017. 'ND VitPro' is widely adapted to the North Dakota spring wheat region.
'Elgin-ND' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the summer of 2012 with first distribution in 2013. 'Elgin-ND' is widely adapted to the ND and spring wheat region with a very high yield compared to the most grown cultivars, including 'Glenn', and 'Barlow'.
'Velva' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the Summer of 2011. 'Velva' has a broad adaptation to the spring wheat region, but it fits better in Central and Western ND environments. It has excelled performance, particularly where 'Reeder' is grown.
'Prosper' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and jointly released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station in the spring of 2011. 'Prosper' has a very high grain yield, better or at least equal to 'Faller'. It performs relatively well in Eastern ND and Western MN environments.
'Barlow' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the spring of 2009. 'Barlow' has high grain yield better or at least equal to 'Glenn', 'Alsen', and 'Reeder'. It tends to perform relatively well in Central and Western ND but is still very competitive in Eastern regions of the State. It has medium straw strength. Barlow is a conventional to semi-dwarf height variety, with an early to medium early maturity. 'Barlow' has high water absorption and test weight. Overall, it has excellent milling and baking qualities better than 'Reeder' and 'Faller' and is similar to 'Alsen' and other common NDSU cultivars.
'Mott' was developed by the Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the spring of 2009. 'Mott' is hard red spring wheat developed primarily for its resistance to the wheat stem sawfly and adaptation to the western region of North Dakota where sawfly can limit production. It is medium-tall, awned wheat that matures approximately 2 days later than 'Reeder' and 'Choteau'.
'Faller' hard red spring wheat is expected to be best adapted to eastern and central North Dakota, western Minnesota and northeast South Dakota. 'Faller' has excellent yield potential under more optimum growing conditions.
'Howard' is a hard red spring wheat (HRSW), a semi-dwarf variety that is best adapted to the growing conditions in central and western North Dakota, but also has performed well in eastern North Dakota. Howard is expected to replace acreage of 'Reeder' and 'Parshall', both NDSU-released varieties.
'Glenn' was developed by the NDSU hard red spring wheat (HRSW) breeding program and released by the ND Agricultural Experiment Station in the spring of 2005. 'Glenn' was selected from the progeny of the cross: ND2831/'Steele-ND'. The experimental HRSW line ND2831 is a derivative of Sumai3 and has Fusarium head blight (scab) resistance similar to 'Alsen'. The objective of this cross was to combine the scab resistance sources of 'Alsen' and 'Steele-ND', along with high yield, excellent quality, and standability into one package.
'Steele-ND' was developed by the hard red spring wheat breeding program at NDSU and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in the spring of 2004. 'Steele-ND' is a high-yielding, high-quality variety that exhibits some tolerance to Fusarium head blight (scab).