'ND Noreen' Hard Red Winter Wheat (RFP-327)
ND Noreen is a hard-red winter wheat variety developed by North
Dakota State University winter wheat breeding program and was released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2020. It has performed well in eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota.
The North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association (NDCISA) has rights to production and distribution of seed.
Intended to replace Jerry, ND Noreen has a higher yield potential with similar winter-hardiness, height, maturity and quality. It has shown excellent bacterial leaf streak resistance, intermediate resistance
to stripe rust and Fusarium head blight and has good lodging resistance. ND Noreen has better stem rust resistance than Jerry and comparable leaf rust resistance.
ND Noreen overall grain quality is good and straw strength is excellent in ND growing conditions. It has average protein, high test weight, satisfactory milling extraction, and average mixing tolerance and loaf volume.
To help ensure genetic purity, ‘ND Noreen’ Hard Red Winter Wheat is protected under PVPA Title V (certificate No. 202100268) and must be sold as a class of certified seed.
ND Noreen.pdf
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