'ND VitPro' Hard Red Spring Wheat (RFP-295)
'ND VitPro' was developed by the Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeding Program at North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2017. 'ND VitPro' is widely adapted to the North Dakota spring wheat region.
'ND VitPro' has improved straw strength over recent NDSU varieties. Plant height of 'ND VitPro' is similar to 'Faller' and 'Prosper' and approximately 1 inch shorter than 'Glenn'. It has medium early maturity similar to 'Barlow' and approximately 2 days earlier than 'Faller'. 'ND VitPro' has high grain protein that is comparable with 'Linkert'. Test weight is also high, most similar to 'Glenn'. Overall, 'ND VitPro' has outstanding kernel and milling traits. Vitreous kernel percentage of 'ND VitPro' was higher than all entries, including 'Glenn'.
'ND VitPro' is moderately resistant to all prevailing races of stem rust and has moderate scab resistance, most similar to 'Glenn'. 'ND VitPro' shows good adult plant resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust, most similar to 'Linkert'.
This variety has been exclusively licensed by the ND Crop Improvement and Seed Association. Additional information about growing this variety can be found at https://www.ndcropimprovement.com/seed/.
To help ensure genetic purity, 'ND VitPro' wheat has been protected under PVPA Title V (certificate No. 201700250) and must be sold as a class of certified seed.
ND VitPro Brochure.pdf
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